
Sun Oasis
The larger of the twin oases, this is where cats go to drink water and wash themselves. There are a few bushes and trees that offer shade, as well as a garden where the medicine cats tend to herbs.
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The Garden
Star Oasis
This is the smaller of the two oases, and considered the holy one. Cats come here to pray, and there are often flowers and leaves scattered across the surface of the water as offerings or in memorial of cats who have been lost.
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Leaders Den
The leaders have their den located closest to the smaller of the oases, under the shelter of fallen rocks. It rarely fits more than two cats, and is built open so a cool breeze can run through.
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Medicine Den
The medicine cats have a burrow under an Australian desert lime tree for not far from the leader's den, though some medicine cats choose to sleep in another one of the dens. The burrow is mainly used for herb storage, and cats sleep in the shade and shelter of the tree's branches. It is similar to the den in their Moonlight Camp, but smaller.
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Walker Den
Located inside one of the cracks in the cliff, the entrance to the den is quite a squeeze but if you get past the tight bit it opens up into a surprisingly large cavern. It is fairly cool in here, if you don't mind the smell. It is connected to the nursery through another tunnel. This is where all of the walkers sleep, night or day, in training or not.
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Another den located in the cliff face, the nursery lies behind a thicket of hardy bushes. It is almost impossible to see from the outside, and on the inside the den has smooth stone floors worn away by the paws of the generations before. It is connected to the Walker den by a short tunnel.
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Cursed Den
The cats who are believed to have done unspeakables in their past life have their own den, as they are not welcome in any of the others. This is the furthest den from camp and the most poorly constructed; the tunnel leading to the underground den often collapses, sometimes with unfortunate cats still inside.
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DuneClan's Sunshine Oasis Camp

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